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Carolyn Eddleston


Carolyn bridges two world views of medicine with ease. She was an NHS licensed General Practitioner for 25 years, finishing in 2017, and has been a Traditional Acupuncturist for the last 24 years.  

Her practice is rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine philosophy, based on Taoism, that honours the unique connection that humans have with the natural world. We stand with our heads in the heavens, and our feet rooted in the earth. We are alchemists that transmute breath, food and thought into nourishment for the body, mind and spirit.

Healing is a vast topic that has been misinterpreted as something that is done to us by someone or something external to ourselves. In fact, healing is a universal wisdom of self-correction that we know in our bodies—our inner nature— and observe in outer nature. Carolyn encourages her clients to find their own internal medicine, to express themselves fully and to be able to share their unique giftedness with the world.

Her approach is tender,bold, honest, clear, powerful and held lightly. She brings her finely-tuned intuition and vast toolkit of resources to walk with you on your journey of curiosity towards full expression, health and vitality.

She offers 1:1 remote and in-person sessions and  retreats, including woodland and outdoor experiences, whilst co-creating  bespoke healing journeys for people who are waking up and curious to explore a richer way of being and living.
She also  works in collaboration with other highly-skilled artists of healing that enhance her offerings.

Carolyn is the Medical Director, founder, owner and senior Acupuncturist at Cycles of Change Acupuncture Ltd. in Hoton Leicestershire.

You can view her clinic details at

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